Nothing compares to the exquisite pleasure of observing the grand universe for yourself. Whether through binoculars, telescopes, cameras or your naked eyes, the view is always breathtaking.
The deepest mysteries of the cosmos can be found in the further places we can see. How did the universe begin? How did it evolve? What is gravity? Cosmology answers the biggest questions.
The great workings of the celestial objects are a fascination to us all. The birth and death of stars and planets present astronomers with myriad puzzles to be investigated and marvelled at.

Hannah Wakeford

Exoplanets: windows to our own Solar System


Dr Hannah Wakeford is an Associate Professor in Astrophysics at the University of Bristol where she leads the Exoplanet Atmospheres group. 

Hannah is an expert in spectroscopic observations with the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes which allow her to determine what the atmospheres of distant exoplanets, planets outside of our solar system, are made of. She has a particular fascination in their clouds, which she credits to her Britishness, and is a leading expert in clouds made of hot exotic species. 

Hannah is also a well-versed science communicator having regularly appeared on TV and radio and co-authored the popular science book Bang!! The Complete History of the Universe along with Drs Brian May and Chris Lintott.


Exoplanets offer a window onto our own Solar System: how did it form, why are we here, is there anything like us out there? These deep and profound questions require a multitude of discoveries to answer.

I will take us on a journey to explore how we measure and understand the nature these strange new worlds beyond our Solar System. We will dive into the atmospheres of alien worlds to discover how clouds shape the climate of a planet and control the fundamental nature of its environment. 

I will showcase how using state-of-the-art telescopes such as Hubble and JWST have changed our view of physics and chemistry to bring our Solar System into perspective.

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